Welcome to berlin19!

We (Robin, René, Katherine, and Nona Lily) hope you will enjoy your stay in our apartment! You can call us at: 030/743-2397.

About the phone and internet:
Apartment phone number is 030/756-33569. You can use the phone to make calls within Germany for free. Calls to mobile/handy phones and outside Germany are blocked by default. If you need to reach someone on mobile or outside Germany, we suggest that you use a digital dialing service such as Jajah.com.
In order to use the wireless Internet connection, log into Alice-DSL using PPPoE. Enter 03075633569 as your account name. The password can be anything. Once you are ready to connect via WiFi you have to enter a WEP password you'll find in the apartment.

A few pointers for finding things you need in the neighborhood!

There is a regular (Aldi) grocery store and a pharmacy in the Markthalle. This is a bit to the left on Eisenbahnstreet on the right side. There is a small vegan market on Pücklerstreet (left out of the apartment building, then a right on Wrangelstr., then left onto Pücklerstr. and it’s 2 or 3 blocks down). There is also a organic farmer’s market every Friday on Lausitzer Platz (left out of the apartment and 2 or 3 blocks to the plaza).
One thing to note: most shops here are closed on Sundays, and some close early on Saturdays as well. So make sure you have enough groceries before Sunday.

There are many nice restaurants on Lausizter Platz and also on Pücklerstr. (see description above). There are also many restaurants along Oranienstreet (below).

There are boutiques and bookstores along Oranienstr. (left out of the apartment, right on Wrangelstr., left on Manteufelstreet, then right on Oranienstr.). There are interesting small shops on Wrangelstr. as well (left out of the apartment, then left on Wrangelstr. and once you go under the train tracks you’ll see the area with lots of restaurants and shops.

Ice Cream and Coffee:
We love the Tanne B ice cream salon on Lausitzer Platz—if you’ve never had spaghetti eis, try it. They also have a nice breakfast menu, and good coffee, and a wireless network.

Transit :
The closest subway stations are Görlitzer Bahnhoff and Schlesisches Tor. Kotbussor Tor and Ostbahnhof are not to far either (12 min, 8 min)

We hope you have a great time in Berlin!

Rent our apartment online here